AI Image to Text - OCR Online

Powerful image to text conversion. Extract custom content and produce structured formats on demand.

PNG, JPG up to 4MB


How it works


Upload Your Image

Start by selecting and uploading the image containing the text you want to extract. The Image to Text AI supports various file formats, ensuring flexibility with your visual content.


Describe Your Desired Output

Tailor the text extraction process to your needs. Choose your preferred output format such as rich text, JSON, or other structured layouts. You can also indicate specific sections or types of text you want to extract, allowing for precise and relevant results.


Get Extracted Results

Watch as the AI swiftly processes your image and presents the extracted text. Review the results directly on the platform or download them in your chosen format (TXT, JSON, MD, CSV). The extracted content is ready for immediate use in your projects or further analysis.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to transform your images into powerful texts?

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